temporarily changed hours

Dear brass friends, Due to the current Corona situation, our business will be closed as a precaution until March 27th 2020. We can be reached by phone and by e-mail, as well as here on Facebook as usual. Current instrument deliveries should not be affected by this! Stay healthy!

Visiting Liszt Academy, Budapest

After so many of our trumpets went to Hungary in recent years, we are very excited to finally visit Budapest our self. We will be in Budapest between December 16th and 19th and have about 24 different trumpets and flugelhorns with us. The Liszt Academy with the help of Gábor Boldoczki and György Lakatos was …

Chicago try-out

We are excited to let you know that we will have a presentation of our C and Bb trumpets at the Fine Arts Building in the heart of Chicago very soon. We will meet on the 10th floor on September 16th between 3 and 5pm. Many thanks to Charles Roberts and the Gaudete Brass Quintet for their help organizing …

Visitors from China

🇨🇳🎺🇩🇪️ Four trumpet players from China/Weimar visiting our shop in Kapellendorf. Jai Qi Lu, Lei Dong, Wehhan Zheng and Xiaotioan Zhang were very excited to try our WEIMANN trumpets and we are looking forward to their next visit soon.

Numskull Brass Festival Caudete

🇪🇸 Numskull Brass Festival in Caudete, Spain is happening this year for the fifth time and we are very happy to be a part of it. We are looking forward to present our trumpets and flugelhorns on Thursday and Friday. WEIMANN player and new Principal Trumpet of the Chicago Symphony Esteban Batallán Cons will give a Masterclass during …

International Trumpet Guild 2019

We are very excited to attend the International Trumpet Guild Conference this year again. Never before we have brought so many different horns with us for you to try and buy! Over 30 different C, Bb and Eb/D trumpets and a Flugelhorn will be available. This year’s ITG will be held in the Hyatt Regency …